Jaroslav Bílek

authoritarian politics| electoral manipulation| civil-military relations


I am a Research Fellow at the Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University in Prague. I received PhD from the University of Hradec Králové in December 2018.
My research focuses on several topics related to the politics of electoral authoritarian regimes and problems of democracy in the contemporary world. I studied the causes and consequences of electoral manipulation, the effects of democratic and autocratic linkages, civil-military relations in Latin America and single-issue parties in new democracies.  

My first academic monography, Causes and Consequences of Electoral Manipulation in Hybrid Regimes in Latin America, has been published in Palgrave Macmillan. 
Currently, I am working on two research projects. The first deals with the elections during the COVID-19 pandemic in electoral authoritarian regimes. The second project is devoted to vaccine diplomacy during the pandemic. 
Besides this, I am trying to draw attention to the topic of authoritarian politics, military coups and electoral manipulation in Czech media and social media. 
My research has been published in journals such as Political Studies Review, East European Politics, Party Politics and Czech Sociological Review.

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